Welcome to Zoë Welsh Therapy

The therapy journey is a personal one, each as unique as the person making it.


Hello, I’m Zoë a UCKP registered psychotherapist and psychotherapeutic counsellor.

I offer brief and long term counselling and psychotherapy for individuals and groups in Milton Keynes within an inclusive practice which supports and affirms cultural and identity diversity. A safe, non-judgemental, confidential space for you to “come and be as you are.” Somewhere to explore whatever is troubling you and prompted you to consider therapy.

I believe everyone has value and worth and deserves to be treated equally and fairly with dignity and respect. That is why the therapy I offer is grounded in “OKness” within a relationship of empathic, trusting, and respectful connection. In my experience to feel connected to another is to feel seen, heard and understood. A chance to (re)connect to a more authentic self and to a freer way of living and being.

Mixed… together

A group space to share in


Get in Touch

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about how therapy works, or if you would like to arrange an initial consultation.

You can also call me on 07359 160621 if you would like to speak to me first or if you would prefer to leave me a message.

All enquires are usually answered within 24 hours, and all contact is strictly confidential using secure phone and email services.